Fursuit makers comission

Check out our commission status, prices and options



Heads starts at 3000€ 

Partial (head, handpaws and tail) starts at 3500€

Partial + footpaws starts at 4000€

Armsleeves start at 200+€ depends on complexity of design

Fullsuit with plantigrade legs strarts at 5000€

Fullsuit with digitigrade legs starts at 6000€ 

starts at 500 euro

start at 150 euro

We do not offer bodysuit-only commissions! We want invest our creative time to projects which will have our recognizable style. Sorry guys. We will happily make heads, partials and fullsuits for you!

Semirealistic resin head – follow me eyes, moving jaw with teeth and tongue done from Sculpey and a fan is standard, if you would like to change anything, let us know.

Toony foam head – foam base, follow me/2D eyes, moving/static jaw, instaled fan, sewn nose and tongue.

Additional features for toony heads:

2 pairs of magnetic ears for expression changing – 150+€ for two sets, price depends on compelxity

set of 2-3 eyelids for expression changing + magnetic tongue for 3 optional positions – 150€ for this set

Optional Features for 3D printed heads :

 – LED eyes for realistic style of eyes – any color you want :]

– Animatronic – on request, example : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEEZLMv56xQ



Paws – we ordinary make 5 finger paws with silicone pawpads for realistic suits, if you would rather have 4 finger paws, let us know.

For toony we can make 4 or 5 finger paws

you have the option of realistic or toony silicone pawpads:

examples of silicone paws above

examples of sewn paws above

Price may be affected by the complexity of your character or special paddings and animatronics. Please contact us at [email protected] to get a quote. In your email, please send your reference sheet. If you do not have any, or want to help with creating a charater, for 50€ we can make one for you 🙂


We accept and prefer payments via bank transfer (freffered) or Paypal (you pay fees)

Payment plans

We accept payment plans! You can send us as much as you are able. For a spot in our queue, we require non refundable 1/3 down payment of your commission to be paid, and we will start work on your commission when you pay 1/2 of price.

Duct tape dummy

For fullsuits we will need your DTD, on the internet you can find a lot of tutorials, and of course if you will need advice, we will be happy to help you. As soon as possible, we will make our own tutorial for our customers.


Make partial takes about 2-3 months from start to finish depending on our time possibilities, fullsuit may take 3-4 months. Time of starting with your project depends on number of projects in front of you in queue. We are currently closed for new commissions till we will clear up our queue. 

We can´t guarantee any deadlines. We apologize. You can tell us term when you would like have it done, we will do our best to finish it for this term (if it is realistically possible for us) but if we miss a few, we are sorry.


We reserve the right take your suit to professional photoshoot (generally with http://www.facebook.com/FurCPhoto ) when one of us or model fitting your body shape will wear finished suit. 

Rush orders

Depending on our queue and time options, we sometimes can accept rush orders. This means your project will have priority and we will start work on it immediately. We do not have to accept it if we feel it is not a good time for us. If we accept it or not depends on our queue, timeline and project demands

The fee for a rush order would be 50-300% of the normal price of your project. It depends on how fast you want have it done. We have last word in determining the term. We know what is doable for us and what is not. Making a digitigrade fullsuit in one month is not a realistic expectation for us most of the year 🙂

You also will be asked to pay priority shipping for fur from USA if it will be needed.